descriptionSpring Boot REST Card API
owners admin
last changeTuesday, March 12, 2019 19:46 +0100
size51 KB
stats9 commits and 0 tags in 20 days metrics
repository url
2019-03-12 Fibinger Ádám
Force example data to UTF-8
c4d839 diff | tree
2019-03-12 Fibinger Ádám
Decoupling version bump
bcfe33 diff | tree
2019-03-12 Fibinger Ádám
Decoupling final version
12abae diff | tree
2019-03-11 Fibinger Ádám
Just keeping calm and keep refactoring
94fead diff | tree
2019-03-03 Fibinger Ádám
Basic refactor and decoupling REST Controller from JPA
464000 diff | tree
2019-02-27 Fibinger Ádám
JPA + Hibernate working version (H2 console enabled)
37e2b6 diff | tree
2019-02-26 Fibinger Ádám
H2 basics with JPA
a3ad94 diff | tree
2019-02-20 Fibinger Ádám
Fullly working mock version (Full CRUD can be tested)
ca2732 diff | tree
2019-02-19 Fibinger Ádám
Initial version, basic mock only
9b7a17 diff | tree
2019-03-12 master Fibinger Ádám Force example data to UTF-8 log | tree | raw
2019-03-12 feature/decoupling-basics Fibinger Ádám Decoupling final version log | tree | raw